Jumat, 29 April 2011



Full Name                : Andhika Hardiansyah
Nick Name                : Aa
Place/Date of Birth      : Jakarta, May 1st 1986
Address                  : Taman Wisma Asri Blok D6/no. 47
Mobile Phone             : 085697206086
E-mail                   : andhika_coach@yahoo.com
Nationality              : Indonesian
Religion                 : Moslem

Gender                   : Male


Formal       :

1992 – 1998  Elementary School SDN Harapan Baru Bekasi
1998 - 2001  Junior High School SMP Harapan Baru Bekasi
2001 - 2004  Senior High School MAN 01 Bekasi
2004 - 2008  
Faculty of Sport Science Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Non Formal   :

2002 - 2003  LIA English Course


Languages : Indonesia, English
Computer  : Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Power Point, Access, Outlook), Internet, Accurate.


2002 - now Basketball coach for Junior High School and Senior High School
2010 - now English Teacher for Elementary School SDIT AL-Husna Bekasi

Pleasant Experience
If the students have a lot of motivation to learn english, it’s make me feel more excited to teaching them.

Unpleasant Experience
When students are lazy to learn English, so I have to explain to them that learning English is very important for them later.

My Motivation
To teaching English is because I love teaching and really like to learning and speaking english so want to share my knowledge about English to everyone.

I've been Teaching english is about 1 year

Rabu, 06 April 2011


Hi folks !!

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